Baileys 4.1.1 Premium Soil Bundle

Baileys 4.1.1. is a premium grade autumn and winter, phosphate free , turf fertiliser formulated to produce excellent colour and growth all year round. It is ideal for use on sports ovals, passive reserves, parks and domestic/home lawns.

4.1.1. contains two sources of nitrogen: ammonium nitrate and sulphate of ammonia. The nitrate form of nitrogen is more readily converted in colder months and the ammonia form is slowly converted, resulting in a slower release and longer life.

Application Rate:

20 grams per sqm every 6 weeks


Ralphy's Engage is a premium blend of highly available potassium and phosphonic acid making it an ideal tool to combat turf stress and aid in root recovery. Added amino and organic acids help increase turf vigour and health.

Application Rate:

Soil Application 150-250ml Per 100 sqm every 4 weeks

Foliar Application 100-200ml Per 100 sqm every 4 weeks


Ralphy's Seacharge Formulated locally is a high-quality kelp concentrate designed to boost root development, increase microbial activity and build tolerance to disease and environmental pressures. Seacharge is a great benefit to the Lawn and Garden.

Application Rate:

100-200mls per 100sqm every 2-4weeks


Ralphy's Unleash Formulated locally is a concentrated liquid combination of humic and fulvic acids and a hint of molasses for increasing humus and carbon in the soil. humic and fulvic acids increase nutrient and water retention as well as unlocking tied up nutrients. Unleash is great for both the Lawn and Garden.

Application Rate:

100-200mls per 100sqm every 2-4weeks